Friday, January 27, 2023

Zones L & N: The Short Lobby and the Zig-Zag Corridor

 The Short (Long) Lobby and the Zig-Zag Corridor

(Work in Progress)

SIDENOTE: Zone L (The Long Lobby) on the diagram has been re-designated as the Short Lobby to more accurately reflect its characteristics.

This Liminal, seemingly endless corridor on the Right side leads to the Long Lobby and Zig-Zag Corridor. 

Walking down the corridor reveals that, despite its Liminality, it does in fact have an end.

An end that leads to the Long Lobby; a large spacious room with an unidentifiable purpose other than to serve as a junction for the various branching corridors (to be completed). 

At the end of the corridor, cloaked in the darkness is the Zig-Zag Corridor (incomplete). This corridor, as the name suggests, snakes round. This should psychologically unsettle the Player, exacerbated by the darkness.  

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'BioLab' Update 2

Recently I have been attempting to follow a guide to making an FPS, which I shall link down below.