Thursday, August 17, 2023

'Project: Mechguard' Progress Update 2

The Map Tiles in their current state:

Having previously completed the bulk of the work for the forested tiles that will serve the outer edges of the map-generator system, I have added decals to add a sense of realism to the grass.

I have also placed streetlights along all major roads. Furthermore, I have added a basic material to serve as a more fitting texture for the Block-Out buildings so that they may serve as a temporary stand-ins if we are unable to replace all of the buildings with custom-made models before the deadline, as making the tiles and creating the micro-environments is the main priority for the time being.

Finally I have started adding details to the tiles that represent the important buildings the Players will need to protect as part of the 'Defence' objective, bringing them closer to completion. 

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'BioLab' Update 2

Recently I have been attempting to follow a guide to making an FPS, which I shall link down below.