Thursday, April 18, 2024

'BioLab' Update 2

Recently I have been attempting to follow a guide to making an FPS, which I shall link down below.

Above: A link and image of the Kodeco guide for creating a simple FPS by Ricardo Santos that I have been following.

This has required me to delve into territories of UE5 Blueprinting I am unfamiliar with, and as such, progress has been slow. That said, there has been progress. So far I have:

1. Researched a range of weaponry to create a series of weapon profiles.

By researching the real-world counterparts for a selection of fire arms I have made a range of weapon profiles that have different and reasonably realistic statistics in regards to ranged accuracy, fire rate in Rounds Per Minute (RPM) and ammo capacity. This will enhance the gameplay by making the weapon choices feel more satisfying in terms of gunplay and in-game balance. I have also made an effort to give each weapon realistically balanced damage based upon the calibre of the associated real-world counterpart they are modelled around. 

Above: A reference document I made to keep track of the intended Child Blueprints, the weapon they are based upon as well as the stats they would have.

2. Created a Base Gun weapon profile.

Through creating a Base Gun profile I have made it possible to create a template from which more profiles can be generated that share the same basic stats (Details) as the Base Gun, allowing for a variety of Child Classes that have unique variables. 

Above: The Base Gun and its template stats.

3. Created a distinct weapon profile classes to categorise gun types.

By creating folders that have designated weapon types, such as Handgun or SMG (Submachine Gun), I have allowed for the easy organisation and categorising of a range of gun types into distinct classifications. This will make it a simpler process in terms of locating specific Child Blueprint profiles should edits be necessary. It also groups weapons together based upon the similarity between their profiles in regards to their basic stats, making balancing easier.

Above: Creating distinct folder; sometimes something so simple can save a lot of time later.

4. Generating Child Blueprint Classes from the Base Gun Template.

Having created a Base Gun Template and folders for organisation, I was able to make fifteen (15) Child Blueprint Classes, each with their own unique variables in regards to their stats. This will allow for dynamic gameplay and a gunplay experience that feels more engaging as each weapon will feel and control differently. Players will be able to choose the weapons that suit their playstyle and hopefully won't feel constrained to some in-game Meta as the weapons should be balanced in terms of Pros and Cons. Additionally, the range of guns have different utilities befitting their role in combat, meaning they will provide excellent insight for me as to how they impact tension felt by Players when trying to use them in a combat encounter.  

Above: Child Blueprint Classes based upon the Base Gun Template and the Heavy Pistol stats as an example.  

5. Generating a Player Character

Following the guide, I have created a Player Character using a Player Pawn Blueprint and have assigned key-binds for core controls necessary for Player interaction; I have made movement and look controls but am yet to implement the jump mechanic which will be fundamental to the gameplay of the game  thanks to all the scale-able terrain within the map. Additionally, I will need to implement a character model so as to have something to animate and to give enemy Players something to shoot at.
Above: The Player Pawn Blueprint. It is hard to see from the image but it contains a Gun Location component attached to the FPS Camera, in theory allowing for a Player to have a gun appear on their screen in their First-Person Point of View.

6. Attempting to implement the weapons.

One area I am currently working on is implementing the weapons, but I have been meeting some barriers as I am unfamiliar with this aspect of Blueprinting. I will however, persevere and seek help with addressing the issues I am facing.

7. Importing/Texturing the guns.

A vital aspect of an First-Person Shooter is the shooting part, so I am importing assets I have bought from Humble Bundle, namely the 'POLY - Mega Weapons Kit' by Animpic Studio, and importing them into Unreal Engine 5. This has been a slow process as the assets were designed for application in Unity Engine, but with some ingenuity, I have been able to port them over. I was then able to texture one of them using the POLY Mega Weapons Kit's base material, so I plan to successfully do the same for the rest of the guns I have access to.

Above: The Desert Eagle pistol, referred to in-project as the Heavy Pistol, both pre and post-texturing.

Side Note: Certain weapons (The M9 pistol, the Scar-H BattleRifle, the M14 EBR Marksman Rifle, the Ranger double barrel shotgun and the MiniUzi SMG) do not currently have their associated models, but I have plans to source or create these at a later date when it is deemed necessary. As for now, creating a basis for the mechanics is more essential and the current selection of available weapons will be more than plenty to test gameplay for the time being when the game is in a more state.

Monday, April 1, 2024

'BioLab' Update 1

Below is my initial rough concept sketch of the BioLab map, with the Ground Floor (Top) and First Floor Plans (Bottom).

I have since spoken with my tutors and have made modifications to the map layout based on their advice so as to better promote competition whilst maintaining fairness to both teams. In response to their feedback, I have altered lines of sight, created a sniper nest, moved Capture Points to fairer positions and shifted spawn points around for balance.

This is the map in its Block Out state immediately after making necessary changes, with a simple diagram overlay showing the capture zones.

This is the map in its current Block-Out state. I have since added some 

Below is a series of key areas on the map.

                                                             The Taskforce Spawn point:
This is where the Taskforce Team will spawn; a storage room filled with barrels and crates.

Breach entry and Supply Box for Ammo: 

The Taskforce has breached the Lab facility by driving an armoured vehicle through a wall. Next to this breach they have set up an impromptu ammo cache for their soldiers where they can restock their ammo and restore Health.

Approaches to the Upper Lab Capture Point:

The Taskforce spawns closest to the Upper Lab Capture Point and have two main approaches they can take; the far staircase or they can climb up the containers to a breach in the wall straight into the Upper Lab area.

The Large Window:

A large window gives Players more clues as to the isolated setting of this map and Environmental Design will be made interesting for anyone who takes the time to stop and look around.

The Long Corridor:

A long corridor runs alongside the Upper Lab Capture Point on the Ground Floor and allows ample opportunity for mid to long range shooting.

The Lower Labs and Offices:

Allowing for mid to short range skirmishes like those in Counter Strike, the Lower Labs allows for flanking and has many points of ingress/egress.

Upper Lab Capture Point:

The Upper Lab Capture Point is fairly open with limited sight line blockers, making it harder to attack and defend.

Overlooking the Containers Capture Point:

From the Upper Lab area Players can see down to the Containers Capture Point.

The Long Bridge:

A long exposed bridge makes Players vulnerable when they try to cross between upper rooms, especially important as this is the Taskforce team's main approach to the Sniper Nest.

The Window into the Lab Storage Capture Point:

Large shelves obstruct line of sight making shooting into the Lab Storage Capture Point more difficult and making it more defensible.

Lab Storage Capture Point:

The Lab Storage Capture Point is not too far from the Containers Capture Point, but is more defensible but has many angles that need to be covered.

The Lab Storage Capture Point Dropdown:

A dropdown from the labs across from the bridge makes for a unique means of getting to the Lab Storage Capture Point and makes attacking this point more interesting.

The Sniper Nest:

Accessed by an exposed ladder, a Sniper Nest gives unparalleled sight lines, but has little to no cover. Both teams have equal opportunity to reach this vantage point.

The Sniper Nest POV:

The Sniper Nest is an exceptional vantage point, giving sight lines across the map.

Containers Capture Point:

The Containers Capture Point is very open and hard to hold, making competition for it fierce. Cover is littered around the point, but there is little on the point itself.

The Observatory Point of Interest:

As a point of interest and a means to flank around the point, a massive observatory dominates the center of the map.

The Breach into the Main Lab Capture Point:

The Main Lab is reachable through a door to the left and one to the right, but a breach in the wall accessed by climbing containers allows for a unique one way entrance.

Main Lab Capture Point:

The Main Lab Capture Point is the closest to the Security Spawn point, making it easy for them to capture and hold. It has very limited cover in these specimen containers.

Main Lab Peek-Through:

The Peek-Through window allows both teams to see who is in the Main Lab Capture Point and who is flanking around it through the Holding Cells & Cargo area.

Holding Cells & Cargo Room:

The Holding Cells & Cargo Room allows the Security Team a means to leave their spawn room without going through the Main Lab Capture Point.

The Security Spawn Point:

This is where the Security Team will spawn; a Security room with many monitors.

Supply Box for Ammo:

The Security Spawn point has a built-in armoury where the Security Team can restock their ammo and restore Health much like the Taskforce Team.

Introducing the The FPS Project

Having been working on the Hotel Project, I encountered some difficulty with Blueprinting in UE5, so to further my understanding of it I decided to create a new project that would help me work on my Blueprint knowledge as well as put my Level and Environmental skills to the test in making an engaging map for a First Person Shooter. By undergoing this, I should be able to obtain a greater understanding of Level Design fundamentals through considerations such as Player View, Line-of-Sight and laying out objectives so as to best encourage competitive gameplay. Additionally, it will give me the opportunity to learn more about tension as experienced in Horror games without the fear element; just the pure Fight-or-Flight stress response in isolation. 

Introducing 'BioLab', a FPS map for two teams of eight or sixteen set in a Top Secret Research Facility creating Bio-Weapons. It will have an Attack/Defend Capture Point game mode similar to games like War Thunder or Polygon. One team will play as Security for the Lab and the other as the Taskforce sent to stop the experiments. The two teams will get points for holding Capture Points and the game will end when either the time runs out or one team reaches the max amount of points; in the event of the time running out, the team with the most points will win or in the event of a draw, an extra fifteen minutes of overtime will allow a chance for one team to try and break the stalemate. The project will include a variety of weapons with different statistics and stances that will allow Players to take advantage of cover. I also intend to create a functional ladder so as to allow Players to get to an elevated platform.

'Pleasant Hotel': Update 5

 'Pleasant Hotel': Update 5 The following is a complete breakdown of the work that has gone into the 'Pleasant Hotel' projec...